Saturday, July 17, 2010

Campaign Announcement & Facebook Group

Facebook Group:

I am running for the Arkansas State House (District 92, Fayetteville). I will be running as a Write-In Independent, partly because I am tired of political parties & divisive partisanship.

I will stand independently alone as it should be.

The issue I will most focus on is:

1. Repealing Corporate Personhood for world peace, restored democracy, and the ability for our civilization to smoothly transition from an oil-based agriculture and economic system to a solar-based society without systemic collapse. Considering the implications of peak oil and the oncoming supply decline, we must not fail to treat this issue as the national emergency that it is.

I respect and love my adversary, Democratic candidate Greg Leding, but I feel that America and the world can't wait to repeal Corporate Personhood. I believe that I alone have the courage, knowledge and focused inspiration required to confront this most problematic, entrenched and powerful institution!

Because of Corporate Personhood, big business now utilizes the Bill of Rights and other Constitutional amendments in ways that are extremely detrimental and deadly to the public interest, world peace & planet earth.

Corporate Personhood is a root cause of most of our political ills, including the Middle East Wars, environmental destruction in the Gulf of Mexico, massive corporate subsidies like the Wall Street bailouts, and the most corrupt healthcare system on the planet. We can not truly fix these problems and progress until we pull this toxic weed up by the roots. Only then will we see world peace and global environmental sanity.

Prior to 1886 corporations were prohibited from spending ANY money on campaigns or lobbyists. However, after a court reporter (and former corporate executive) inserted the notion of Corporate Personhood in the headnotes of the Santa Clara County v. Southern Pacific Railroad Supreme Court decision, corporations have begun claiming all the rights originally intended for only Natural Persons like you and I.

One of the worst examples is corporations claiming the First Amendment right to Free Speech, which translates into them being able to donate billions of dollars in our campaigns. This has enabled these extremely wealthy institutions to buy our elections, candidates, government & laws. Another example is corporations using the 14th Amendment right to Equal Protection, which was originally intended to give freed slaves equal rights. Big business uses the 14th Amendment to harm and destroy small business that might offer competition.

Due to corporate financing of our elections, the Federal Government is captured by corporations and the best way to reclaim it for The People is to repeal Coporate Personhood. The best way to repeal Corporate Personhood is to amend the U.S. Constitution to define that only "Natural Persons" deserve political rights designed for human citizens, not "artificial corporate persons".

Please read Thom Hartman's evolutionary book on Corporate Personhood, "Unequal Protection," to fully understand the gravity of this subject.

The Federal Government is essentially owned by corporate campaign financiers, so it will be almost impossible to get U.S. Congress to make such a bold move for the public interest.

Thus, the best way to solve this dilemma is for state legislatures to begin calling for a Constitutional Convention to amend the U.S. Constitution. If 2/3 of the states call for this Convention, we can retake our Federal Government for the Greater Good and World Peace.

If even 1 or 5 states begin calling for this Convention, there is a high probability it would snowball until our Democratic Republic is restored. Why shouldn't Arkansas lead this political evolution? And why shouldn't Fayetteville more powerfully lead Arkansas?

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