Monday, August 24, 2009

This Isn’t Reform, It’s Robbery

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Countdown-The Nation's Jeremy Scahill on Blackwater chief Eric Prince's deep troubles


In Explosive Allegations, Ex-Employees Link Blackwater Founder to Murder, Threats

In sworn statements, two ex-employees claim Blackwater's owner, Erik Prince, murdered or facilitated the murder of individuals cooperating with federal authorities investigating the company.

By Year’s End, Benefit Lifeline to End for 1.5 Million Jobless -

Tens of thousands of workers have used up their benefits, and the numbers are expected to soar in the months to come.

FRONTLINE: sick around america: watch the full program | PBS

As the worsening economy leads to massive job losses—potentially forcing millions more Americans to go without health insurance—FRONTLINE travels the country examining the nation's broken health care system and explores the need for a fundamental overhaul. ...

Blue Dogs are Extremists

Blue Dogs are Extremists

It is apparent that the medical-insurance-drug complex owns our government. America spends twice as much per capita on healthcare as other developed nations, yet fails to cover one-sixth of our population. We currently spend $2.4 trillion annually, and around $800 billion derives from waste for private health insurance bureaucracies. Why does America sustain such a corrupt, inefficient system?

It is because superwealthy owners of medical corporations wish to maintain massive profits. Their racket functions by pocketing “conservative” politicians through funding their multi-million dollar campaigns. Most Republicans, like John Boozman, are privately owned and will never vote to end the medical complex scam, and “conservative” Democrats are equally problematic.

As economist Paul Krugman recently noted, “Blue Dogs are basically...nothing but corporate tools, defending special interests.” Blue Dogs, particularly our Arkansas delegation, have been leading the fight against public insurance reform. This is unsurprising if one follows the money. Mike Ross, considered a #1 obstacle to reform, has heavy financial ties to insurance and drug companies, as do most “conservatives.”

Recent news reports have been calling Blue Dogs like Mike Ross "moderates" or "centrists," but these labels are misleading the public to believe their positions are mainstream when they are not.

In fact, 72 percent of the nation supports public health insurance, so Republicans and Blue Dogs are radically right of the public. Progressive Democrats like Dennis Kucinich are actually the true moderates most accurately reflecting the public interest.

If Arkansas wants public healthcare reform, among other genuine solutions, voters must reject extremist Blue Dog Republicans in all elections. Please join me in calling for the Democratic Party to field progressive Democratic candidates, or vote Green.